Developing Series 60 Applications: A Guide for Symbian OS C++ Developers: A Guide for Symbian OS C++ Developers
Richard Barker has been developing in C++ for 10 years, with a background in R & D, Artificial Intelligence and real-time training simulators for Defense Systems. He has been with EMCC Software as a Symbian OS and Series 60 developer for three years , working on interface and engine design, client software to deliver dynamic data services and development of Symbian OS itself. He is a regular contributor of Series 60 documentation for Forum Nokia.
Leigh Edwards has been working with, and conducting training on, Symbian OS for over six years, since it was called EPOC32 (Symbian OS version 1.0) and was owned exclusively by Psion Software. He is a co-founder of EMCC Software Ltd., specialists in Symbian OS and the key UI platforms. Leigh firmly believes that resilience, technical excellence plus the unique industry collaboration behind Symbian Ltd., are the keys to the on-going success of Symbian OS and Series 60 Platform.
Mark Whitaker has been working with C++ for six years, five of them in Symbian OS. Much of this time has been spent working with messaging technologies, writing messaging applications and MTMs for a range of Symbian OS phones. Mark wrote the majority of the communications and messaging text for this book, including many of the example projects.
Samantha Richards has been with EMCC Software for over three years. She spent a lot of time developing two-player games and a communications stack that allows the games to be played over infrared, Bluetooth or SMS. She has ported many applications to a number of different Symbian-based user interface platforms, for example, Eikon, the Ericsson R380 UI, Nokia 9210, Series 60 and UIQ-based devises. Working as part of the Symbian Messaging team, Samantha worked on an XML Parser and integrating multihoming technology into the MMS module. She has written several Series 60 documents for Forum Nokia. Samantha has a degree in Mathematics, a Masters in Computing and is a qualified high school teacher.
Sarah Bardill has been a Software Engineer for eight years. She is a qualified Java Professional with over 6 years of Java, OO design and C++ development experience. During her career Sarah was lead designer of a large enterprise Java system. While working at EMCC Software she has concentrated on Symbian OS and Series 60.
Bill Vance has four years of C++ experience, over one year of general Symbian OS experience, plus six months of Series 60 Platform experience. He has a First Class degree in Mechanical Engineering and an MSc in Applied Computer Science. Over the past two years with EMCC Software he has worked on the core Symbian OS applications for a number of Symbian based UI platforms. More recently Bill has focused specifically on development for Series 60 Platform.
Robert Lamb did his University degree dissertation on EPOC (Symbian OS version 3.0) before graduating and joining EMCC Software. He has over two and half years of commercial Symbian OS experience. He has worked on various licensee projects during that time helping to bring Series 60 devices to market, including working at Symbian's Cambridge offices as part of the Series 60 Platform team, and with Siemens in Munich as part of the SX1 team. Additionally, Robert has written a number of white papers for the Series 60 section of Forum Nokia.
Steve Pearce has over three years C++ experience and has considerable experience in Symbian OS, with particular expertise in the Messaging system. He has a degree in Physics and is a qualified high school teacher. He has employed his extensive knowledge of Symbian OS, Series 60 and his considerable skills as a teacher when presenting a wide range of Symbian based training courses on behalf of EMCC Software.
Raphael Espino has three years of C++ development experience, over one year Symbian OS experience and over six months working with Series 60 Platform. He has worked on many communications projects, developing in both Java and C++. Raphael also has GUI development experience with MS Windows and X-Windows. He has a Degree (BSc) and PhD in Computer Science.
Peter Mullarkey started Symbian OS programming in 2000, following the progression from Symbian OS version 5.0 to 7.0s and Series 60 2.0. He has extensive expertise in the Symbian OS Client/Server architecture and in porting 'C' code to Symbian devices. He has a BSc in Applied Mathematics and Computing and a PhD in Engineering, where his research interests lay with the computational modeling of Auxetic materials.