Advanced Object Oriented Programming with Visual FoxPro 6.0


The Unified Modeling Language has been accepted as the standard notation for object modeling extremely rapidly. It is extremely powerful and extensible. Most of the UML may be used for Visual FoxPro modeling efforts. However, some of the used terms are different from the terms used in Visual FoxPro. This chapter gives you an overview of all the UML elements that have counterparts in Visual FoxPro, and it explains how to use them. There are only a few UML items that don't make sense in the FoxPro world. They are results of oddities or specialties found in other object oriented systems. We shouldn't use those things if we are modeling with Visual FoxPro in mind.

Throughout this book (especially in the following chapters), I use the UML extensively. Because of its simplicity and its acceptance as a standard, I hope this makes my diagrams easier to read.
