Special Edition Using Microsoft Office Outlook 2003

A typical use for command-line switches is to automate some of the daily tasks you perform in Outlook. For example, you can use command-line switches to email your boss a report every day. You can then create a batch file that executes the command-line switch and emails the report at the same time every day.

To email a report named DailyBookings.xls, stored on the C drive, to Sally@email.com, create a batch file with the following command-line code:

outlook.exe /c ipm.note /m sally@email.com c:\DailyBookings.xls

This might not look like a typical command-line switch. The /a is missing before the path to the attachment, but in Outlook 2003, this is the command-line switch you need to use. After that batch file is saved, just use Task Scheduler or another third-party program to run the file daily to create your email. If you want to send the email automatically, you have to create a custom message form with code behind it to send the email immediately after it has been created.

For more information about creating custom forms, see "Creating a Custom Form from a Standard Form," p. 760 and "Creating Scripts," p. 784.
