Storage Networking Fundamentals: An Introduction to Storage Devices, Subsystems, Applications, Management, and File Systems (Vol 1)
The T11 committee develops interfaces for device communications and has a website at It turns out that most of the interfaces developed by T11 are storage-related, and this is where standards specific to FC technology can be viewed. T11 Standards
Some of the standards in T11 are completed and are not undergoing further development, while others are continuing to be developed. The two areas currently under development in T11 are FC and Storage (Network) Management. The URLs for these subcommittees are as follows:
Finished standards are mostly interesting for historical reasons. Readers wanting to look at older storage interface standards can visit the websites of the following T11 subcommittees:
Fibre Channel Subcommittees and Working Groups
The following list indicates areas of development in FC with downloadable documents from the T11 FC website:
Storage (Network) Management Subcommittees and Working Groups
The following list shows areas of work in the T11 Storage Network Management subcommittee: