Creating a Worksheet and Charting Data

One Creating a Worksheet and Charting Data

In this chapter, you will: complete the following projects and practice these skills.

Oceana Palm Grill

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Oceana Palm Grill is a chain of 25 upscale, casual, full-service restaurants based in Austin, Texas. The company opened its first restaurant in 1975 and now operates 25 outlets in the Austin and Dallas areas. Plans call for 15 additional restaurants to be opened in North Carolina and Florida by 2010. These ambitious plans will require the company to bring in new investors, develop new menus, and recruit new employees, all while adhering to the company's strict quality guidelines and maintaining its reputation for excellent service.

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With Microsoft Office Excel 2003, you can create and analyze data organized into columns and rows. After the data is in place, you can perform calculations, analyze the data to make logical decisions, and create a visual representation of the data in the form of charts. In addition to its worksheet capability, Excel can manage your data, sort your data, and search for specific pieces of information.

In this chapter, you will create an Excel workbook. You will practice the basics of worksheet design; create a footer; enter and edit data in a worksheet; and save, preview, and print your work. You will construct formulas to calculate numbers, automatically complete text, use Excel's spelling checker tool, and access Excel's Help feature. You will use a workbook that has several worksheets and construct an interactive summary worksheet.

Project 1A Tableware
