Objective 5. Save and Print Web Pages
Problem Solving
The following Problem Solving project is an open-ended assessment. That is, there is no specific correct result; your result will depend on your approach to the information provided. Make professional quality your goal. Use the following scoring rubric to guide you in how to approach the problem and then to evaluate how well your approach solves the problem.
The criteriaSoftware Mastery, Content, Format and Layout, and Processrepresent the knowledge and skills you have gained that you can apply to solving the problem. The levels of performanceProfessional Quality, Approaching Professional Quality, and Needs Quality Improvementshelp you and your instructor evaluate your result.
Your completed project is of Professional Quality if you: |
Your completed project is Approaching Professional Quality if you: |
Your completed project Needs Quality Improvements if you: |
1Software Mastery |
Choose and apply the most appropriate skills, tools, and features and identify efficient methods to solve the problem. |
Choose and apply some appropriate skills, tools, and features, but not in the most efficient manner. |
Choose inappropriate skills, tools, or features, or are inefficient in solving the problem. |
2Content |
Construct a solution that is clear and well organized, contains content that is accurate, appropriate to the audience and purpose, and is complete. Provide a solution that contains no errors of spelling, grammar, or style. |
Construct a solution in which some components are unclear, poorly organized, inconsistent, or incomplete. Misjudge the needs of the audience. Have some errors in spelling, grammar, or style, but the errors do not detract from comprehension. |
Construct a solution that is unclear, incomplete, or poorly organized, containing some inaccurate or inappropriate content; and contains many errors of spelling, grammar, or style. Do not solve the problem. |
3Format and Layout |
Format and arrange all elements to communicate information and ideas, clarify function, illustrate relationships, and indicate relative importance. |
Apply appropriate format and layout features to some elements, but not others. Overuse features, causing minor distraction. |
Apply format and layout that does not communicate information or ideas clearly. Do not use format and layout features to clarify function, illustrate relationships, or indicate relative importance. Use available features excessively, causing distraction. |
4Process |
Use an organized approach that integrates planning, development, self-assessment, revision, and reflection. |
Demonstrate an organized approach in some areas, but not others; or, use an insufficient process of organization throughout. |
Do not use an organized approach to solve the problem. |
Project 1G. Exploring Copyright Laws
Objectives: 1. Start Internet Explorer and Identify Screen Elements; 4. Search the Internet; 5. Save and Print Web Pages.
For Project 1G, you will need the following file: |
New blank file |
You will save your file as
Use the skills you practiced in this chapter to locate information on copyright laws and the appropriate use of copyrighted information for educational purposes. The major focus of legislation in this area includes findings on Digital Distance Education, the Teach Act, and Fair Use. The major focus of legislation in this area includes findings on the Digital Millennium Act, the TEACH Act, and Fair Use.
Conduct a search to locate the Web site of the government organization that oversees copyright law or a Web site of an educational institution that pertains to this topic area. Explore that Web site to locate information on each of the three findings named earlier. Save each Web page and name accordingly. Print each Web page and submit the documents as directed.
End |
You have completed Project 1G |
Computer Concepts