Edit Settings p. 48 iMovie creates transition previews based on the location of the Playhead. If it's near the beginning of a clip, the transition starts with the previous clip; if it's near the end, the transition starts with the current clip and ends with the next one. Several third-party developers have released packages of transitions you can add to iMovie. See Appendix B. Add the Transition p. 50 After adding a transition, you can't use Direct Trimming to edit a clip in the Timeline Viewer. Delete the transition, make your edits to the clip, and then add a new transition. You can't move transitions like regular clips. Instead, create a new one for the new location in your movie. If you decide you don't want a transition just after you've added it, press (period) to cancel the rendering process. To delete a transition from your movie, simply click it and press . During one sequence of my movie, I wanted to use a simple Cross Dissolve transition between several clips. Instead of creating each one individually, I selected the range of clips (hold and click them), chose and configured the transition, and then clicked the Apply button to add them all at once. You can edit volume levels within transitions (see Chapter 6). Some transitions, such as Fade In and Fade Out, automatically adjust the audio levels to fade the sound in or out in tandem with the video. |