3D Game Programming All in One (Course Technology PTR Game Development Series)
Building the model is only half the battle—well, maybe three-quarters. There is still the matter of defining the vehicle's characteristics, like mass, drag, speeds, particle generators, collision handlers, and so on. You take care of these things in scripts that run on the server.
To do the testing you just did, you used the existing demo buggy script that comes with the Torque Engine and simply substituted our model in place of the dune buggy. It looks like a roadster but drives like a dune buggy! In fact you will recall that you had a test-drive of a dune buggy back in Chapter 9.
Later, in Chapter 22, we will create the script that will define the behavior of the vehicle that we've modeled here and its response to user inputs and game environment stimuli.
Coming up next in Chapter 16, we'll continue with MilkShape and make some weapons and other items.