Java EE and .NET Interoperability: Integration Strategies, Patterns, and Best Practices

This chapter has discussed extensible architecture and various architecture components in Java EE Platform. Java EE also provides a variety of interoperability technologies including

  • JMS for reliable messaging

  • RMI-IIOP for distributed objects

  • JAX-RPC 1.1 and JAX-WS 2.0 for Web services

  • JBI for loosely coupled business processes

Many mission-critical applications are built in Java. Datamonitor ( reported that about 44 percent of the European financial services institutions interviewed use the Java EE Platform as their primary development environment. eBay uses Java to implement their online bidding services and can support one billion hits per day [AlurJavaOne]. There is no doubt that the Java EE Platform has become a critical application platform for business applications, but because it isn't the only platform, it must be able to interoperate well with others. The good news is that Java is more than up to the interoperability challenge. The next few chapters discuss how the Java EE Platform and its APIs can be used to cleanly interoperate with systems running on Microsoft platforms as well as others such as legacy mainframes.
