Java In A Nutshell, 5th Edition

AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater<T> java.util.concurrent.atomic

Java 5.0

This class uses java.lang.reflect to provide atomic operations for named volatile int fields within existing types. Obtain an instance of this class with the newUpdater( ) factory method. Pass the name of the field (which must have been declared volatile int ) to be updated and the class that it is defined within to this factory method. The instance methods of the resulting AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater object are like those of the AtomicInteger class but require you to specify the object whose field is to be manipulated. This is a generic type, and the type variable T represents the type whose volatile int field is being updated.

public abstract class AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater<T> { // Protected Constructors protected AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater ( ); // Public Class Methods public static <U> AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater<U> newUpdater (Class<U> tclass , String fieldName ); // Public Instance Methods public int addAndGet (T obj , int delta ); public abstract boolean compareAndSet (T obj , int expect , int update ); public int decrementAndGet (T obj ); public abstract int get (T obj ); public int getAndAdd (T obj , int delta ); public int getAndDecrement (T obj ); public int getAndIncrement (T obj ); public int getAndSet (T obj , int newValue ); public int incrementAndGet (T obj ); public abstract void set (T obj , int newValue ); public abstract boolean weakCompareAndSet (T obj , int expect , int update ); }
