Mac OS X Power Tools
for files, 167
in operating system transitions, 560
Labels X program, 167, 560
language support, uninstalling, 147–148, 148
Language tab, 62–63
Languages for searching files contents option, 170
Languages pane, 164–165
LaunchBar utility, 235, 235
launching applications
in Classic Environment, 301–302, 302
with keyboard, 234–235, 235
left side of Dock, 223
less than signs (<) signs for redirection, 538–539
domain, 13–16, 13–15
in user accounts, 9–11, 10, 26
Library folder
in home folders, 8
in updates, 144–145
Light Cleaning option, 501 site, 432
List view in Finder, 184–186, 185
listen daemons, 509
Listening tab, 80
LiteSwitch X program, 228–229, 229, 557
LittleSecrets program, 478
ln command, 579–580
local backups, 512–513
local domains, 14
local files for home pages, 320–321
local IP addresses, 380
local variables, 531–532
locate function for files, 205–206, 205
location files
for Internet, 395–399, 396, 398
for networking, 334–335
Location X program, 315–316, 315
Locator program, 205
Lock after x minutes of inactivity setting, 474
Lock when sleeping option, 475
Keychains, 474
screen, 467–468
logical volumes, 573
Login Items Engine, 104–105
Login Items pane, 64, 103–105, 104
Login Options tab, 33, 102
login screen
background, 105
logo and title in, 105–106
logins, 102
Accounts pane for, 102–103
Login Items pane for, 64, 103–105, 104
login screen, 105–106
options for, 106–111, 106, 109, 111
as root, 33
safe, 115–116
server connections at, 399
sharing options for, 387, 399
Terminal access at, 116–117
LogMaster program, 508–509, 509
logo in login screen, 105–106
LogOut screen saver, 467
logouts, auto, 467
in Apple System Profiler, 257
of completed print jobs, 428
for firewalls, 462
for FTP, 364
in Internet Connect, 326
for Personal File Sharing, 357
reviewing, 508–509, 509
for uninstalling packages, 150
in Unix, 545–546, 552
long filenames
in Finder, 190
viewing, 211
lost data, recovering, 490
LPR printers, adding, 416–417
ls command, 402, 523, 525–527