Memory as a Programming Concept in C and C++

template class

A type-parameterized C++ class; for a particular definition, the actual type must be specified. The compiler "creates" the proper definition for the given type from the template.


Property of software that lends itself to testing and debugging in a reasonable and systematic way.

testing and debugging

A phase in the software cycle when a freshly designed or modified software component is tested for correctness of its execution and the discovered errors (commonly called bugs ) are rectified.


A software object that can be dispatched to - and executes in - an address space.


A systematic process in which every component of a linked data structure is visited.


A linked data structure consisting of nodes to store data and links to so-called child nodes.

undetermined ownership

A memory problem that results when we obtain an object from another module without realizing that we are now responsible for deallocation of the object.

uninitialized variable

A variable that is evaluated prior to storing any reasonable value there.

user space

The memory in which the process image is loaded.

user thread

A thread that is implemented by the user program and not by the operating system.


Process of establishing that software is performing as intended.


A binary code for the appropriate data type.


As a concept, an "entity" that can attain certain values; in programming, we can imagine that it is a "data container".

virtual memory system

A software system that provides a sophisticated mapping of logical addresses to physical addresses in a way that allows execution of programs with address spaces larger than the physical memory; usually relies on paging, where only some parts (pages) of the program address space are present in the physical memory at a time.
