Managed C++ and .NET Development: Visual Studio .NET 2003 Edition


XDR (XML-Data Reduced) schema, 673

XML (eXtensible Markup Language), 661–717

DOM trees, 687–703

about DOM, 687

classes derived from XmlNode, 687–688

common XmlNode properties, 689–690

reading, 693–696

updating, 696–699

writing XmlNodes in, 699–703

XmlDocument properties, 691–692

XmlDocument unique methods, 692–693

XmlNode hierarchy, 689

XmlNode methods, 690–692

elements, 661–662

forward-only access, 664–686

.NET Framework class library implementation of, 664

reading from XML file, 665–672

updating existing XML file, 683–686

validating XML file, 673–678

writing new XML stream, 678–683

including assemblies in ADO.NET classes, 232

namespaces, 664

navigating with XPathNavigator, 703–714

methods of, 704–705

navigating DOM tree with, 705–708

properties of, 703–704

XPath expressions and, 709–714

overview of, 661–663

processing data in .NET Framework, 663–664

using ADO.NET with, 714–717

dumping DCV_DB to ListBox, 715–717

XmlDataDocument class, 714

XmlDataDocument class, 714

XmlDocument class

creating to hold DOM tree, 694–695

properties and methods, 691–693

XMLDOM.exe class, 696

XmlNode class, 687–692

classes derived from, 687–688

illustration of hierarchy, 689

methods of, 690–692

properties of, 689–690

XmlTextReader class, 665–672

XmlTextWriter class, 678–683

XmlValidatingReader class, 675

XPath expressions, 709–714

XPathNavigator, 703–714

methods of, 704–705

navigating DOM tree with, 705–708

properties of, 703–704

XPath expressions and, 709–714
