System.Security.Cryptography.Xml ( | abstract class |
public abstract class Transform { // Public Constructors public Transform( ); // Public Instance Properties public string Algorithm{set; get; } public abstract Type[ ] InputTypes{get; } public abstract Type[ ] OutputTypes{get; } public XmlResolver Resolver{set; } // Public Instance Methods public abstract object GetOutput( ); public abstract object GetOutput(Type type); public XmlElement GetXml( ); public abstract void LoadInnerXml(System.Xml.XmlNodeList nodeList); public abstract void LoadInput(object obj); // Protected Instance Methods protected abstract XmlNodeList GetInnerXml( ); } This is the abstract parent for all transformation-implementation classes. Transformations are applied to data prior to the generation of the cryptographic hash code used in the digital signature. Transformations are associated with data via the Reference.AddTransform( ) method; multiple transformations can be associated with a Reference, and each will be applied to the data in sequence. Subclasses XmlDsigBase64Transform, XmlDsigC14NTransform, XmlDsigEnvelopedSignatureTransform, XmlDsigXPathTransform, XmlDsigXsltTransform Returned By TransformChain.this Passed To Reference.AddTransform( ), TransformChain.Add( ) |