Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Programming Inside Out (Inside Out (Microsoft))
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Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Programming Inside Out
- Inside OutThis statement illustrates an example of an'Inside Out' problem statement
Chapter 2: Exploring Excel
- Inside Out
- Inside Out
Chapter 3: Exploring Visual Basic for Applications
- Inside OutDigital Certificates: You Can Even Create Your Own
Chapter 4: VBA Programming Starter Kit
- Inside OutAvoiding Errors Through Declarations
- Inside Out
Chapter 5: Creating Sub and Function Procedures
- Inside OutThe Pitfalls of Case Statements and Conditional Formats
- Inside OutThe Good News Is That You Didn't Break It…
- Inside OutRecursion and Public Use: Two Procedural Pitfalls
- Inside OutProtecting Your Original Cell Data
Chapter 6: The Application Object
- Inside OutPausing a Macro
- Inside OutLimiting the Calculations
- Inside OutThe FormulaLocal Property and Local Settings
Chapter 7: Workbooks and Worksheets
- Inside OutWhen Is an Error Not an Error?
- Inside OutCreating Passwords That Will Stand the Test of Time
Chapter 8: Ranges and Cells
- Inside OutHow Excel Extends a Range
- Inside OutStaying Away from Select
- Inside OutMeasuring the Dimensions of a Cell
- Inside OutNaming Ranges
- Inside OutNames as Formulas
Chapter 9: Manipulating Data with VBA
- Inside OutIs a Function Built into VBA or Not?
- Inside OutWhen to Validate, and When to Use an If…Then Statement
- Inside OutText Processing and Browser Cookies
- Inside OutWorking with Times That Exceed 24 Hours
Chapter 12: Understanding and Using Events
- Inside OutThe Quirky Change Event
- Inside OutLocate Events Using the Object Browser
Chapter 13: Manipulating Files
- Inside OutDetermining if a File Exists Using FileSearch
- Inside OutDetermining if a File Exists Using FileDialog
- Inside OutOpening a Text File
Chapter 15: Charts
- Inside OutThe Recorded Macro and Creating Charts
- Inside OutTo Use or Not to Use Chart Events
- Inside OutHow the Chart SERIES Formula Works
Chapter 16: PivotTables and PivotCharts
- Inside OutAn Interesting Occurrence
Chapter 18: Customizing Dialog Boxes
- Inside OutReturn Variables or Execute?
Chapter 19: Creating User Forms
- Inside OutBuilt-in vs. Custom Dialog
Chapter 21: Excel and Other Office Applications
- Inside OutSimulate a Pause in VBA code
- Inside OutEarly Binding vs. Late Binding
- Inside Out GetObject vs. CreateObject
Chapter 22: Excel and the Structured Query Language
- Inside OutDatabase Design and Administration
Chapter 23: Introducing ADO
- Inside OutStored Procedures
Chapter 25: Excel and the Web
- Inside OutWeb Page Style and Publication
- Inside OutThat Was Table Number 2?
Chapter 26: Excel and the Extensible Markup Language (XML)
- Inside OutA Better Way to Create Lists
- Inside OutWatch Your Language
- Inside OutMapping a Schema to a Single List
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