Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Programming Inside Out (Inside Out (Microsoft))

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Having a powerful spreadsheet program at your fingertips doesn’t do you any good if you’re not able to find what you’re looking for, so the Excel designers spent a lot of time working on the organization and appearance of the Excel interface to make it easier for users to get the most out of their workbooks. Figure 2-4 shows the Excel window in all its glory, with callouts for the elements most commonly used in using and programming Excel.

Figure 2-4: The Excel interface offers quick access to the program’s diverse capabilities.

Inside Out

Starting with Excel 2002, the program came with an adaptive menu system that just displayed the most basic commands, requiring you to hover the mouse pointer over the bottom of a menu to expand the menu. It’s a great idea in theory, but for most users, who don’t have thorough knowledge of the program, it’s quite a hindrance. You can, and should, turn off the adaptive menu system by clicking Tools, Customize, Always Show Full Menus.

Title Bar.The title bar is at the top of the Excel window and displays the name of the program (Microsoft Office Excel 2003) followed by the name of the active workbook, if any. If the active workbook has any access restrictions or is shared, the workbook name will be followed by a designation in brackets. If you’ve opened more than one copy of the same workbook, the first name will be followed by :1, the second by :2, and so on.

Select All Button.The Select All button is the bare piece of real estate to the left of the Column A header and above the Row 1 header; clicking it selects every cell in a worksheet.

Command Bars.Menu bars and toolbars might look different, but underneath they work exactly the same way. Clicking File, Save is no different from clicking the Save toolbar button, so why have both systems, plus the Ctrl+S keyboard shortcut, in place? Because different users prefer different methods.

Formula Bar.The formula bar, the long, white strip just above the column headers in a worksheet, is where Excel displays the formula in the active cell. If there is no formula in the active cell, the cell’s value appears on the formula bar. You can hide the formula bar by clicking View, Formula Bar, which is a toggle (that means you click the bar to turn it off, and click again to turn it back on).

Name Box.The name box is in the running as the most versatile element in the Excel interface. If you have created a named range, as described earlier in this chapter, you can select a range by clicking the down arrow to the right of the name box and clicking the name you want to select (thereby outlining the cells in the named range). When you don’t have a named range selected, the name box displays the reference of the active cell (for example, A1), or the area selected while dragging. For instance, if you select an area three rows high by ten columns wide, the name box displays 3R × 10C until you release the mouse button, and then the name box displays the reference of the cell in the upper-left corner of the selected range.


Knowing the precise dimensions of the area you’ve selected is helpful if you need to paste a group of cells from another worksheet into the active worksheet.

Program Window Controls.The standard Windows program controls are positioned at the top right of the Excel window: the Minimize button, the Restore button, the Maximize button (which appears when the program window has been resized), and the Close button.

Workbook Window Controls.These buttons operate in exactly the same manner as the program window controls, but they affect only the active workbook. (The Excel window stays the same size it was when the buttons were clicked.)

Ask A Question Box.The Ask A Question box is the quickest way to look up topics in the Excel help system. You type a word or phrase in the Ask A Question box, press Enter, and a list of available help topics appears in the Search Results task pane at the right edge of the workbook. Clicking the name of the help topic displays that topic.

Task Pane.Introduced in Excel 2002, task panes are interface objects with links to perform common tasks in a number of subject areas. The task panes appear at the right edge of the Excel window when you perform certain tasks (for example, clicking File, New displays the New Workbook task pane). You can also display the task panes by clicking View, Task Pane. The following task panes are available to you in Excel 2003:

Tab Bar.The tab bar displays a sheet tab for each worksheet in a workbook. You can navigate from sheet to sheet using the arrows on the tab bar, click the sheet tab of a worksheet to display that sheet, or change the color of the sheet tab.

Status Bar. As the name implies, the Excel status bar displays the program’s status. The status bar indicates whether a save or AutoRecover save is in progress, displays the running total of values in selected cells, and tells you, among other things, if your keyboard has caps lock, scroll lock, and/or number lock turned on.

Inside Out

The running total feature is a little-known but very handy way to quickly summarize a few cells of data in Excel. When you select more than one cell, a summary of the data appears on the status bar a bit to the left of the number lock indicator. The default summary operation is to find the sum of the data, but you can right-click the pane where the summary appears and, from the shortcut menu, click Average, Count, Count Nums (that is, the number of cells in the selection that contain a numeric value), Maximum, Minimum, or Sum. If you want to turn the feature off, you click None. To turn it back on, just right-click the same area of the status bar and select the new summary operation.

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