MicrosoftВ® Office ExcelВ® 2003 Step by Step (Step By Step (Microsoft))
You can use Package for CD to create a presentation package that you can copy to a CD or a folder on another computer. This package contains everything you need to run the presentation.
You can include the PowerPoint Viewer in a presentation package so that you can run the presentation on a computer on which PowerPoint is not installed.
You can use a variety of toolbar buttons, commands, and keyboard shortcuts to navigate through a presentation in Slide Show view. You can also add actions buttons to slides to assist in navigation.
You can use different types of pen tools and different pen colors to mark up slides during a slide show, and you can save or discard these annotations.
When the complete slide show is not desired or required for a particular audience, you can select slides from among all those available to create a custom show.
You can hide slides and then decide to display them only if they are appropriate for a particular situation or audience.
You can assign timings to slides manually, or you can practice the slide show and have PowerPoint record the slide timing that you use in rehearsal. You can then use these timings to automatically advance from one slide to the next .
When you need to give a presentation to a remote audience, you can schedule and host an online broadcast. You can also participate in an online broadcast as an audience member.