MicrosoftВ® Office ExcelВ® 2003 Step by Step (Step By Step (Microsoft))


radio buttons . See option buttons

random numbers , 197

ranges, 861

entering in formulas, xxxix

naming, xxxix

readability statistics, 861

Reading Layout view, 19, 22, 861

Reading Pane, 396, 861

closing, 399

displaying e-mail messages in, 398

repositioning , 398

read-only, 861

reapplying original slideformatting, xlix


slides, xlix, 332

paragraphs, 40

recalculating formulas, 97

recalling e-mail messages, 405

receiving messages, 41214

record selectors, 861 See also forms

removing from forms, 230

turning off, 224

record source, 861

records, 861

creating, 228

deleting, irrevocability of, 294

entering, 187

finding, 248

related , updating primary keys in, 232

sources, 210


documents, 8

presentations, 321

rectangles, drawing, 646

recurring, 861

recurring appointments/events, 495

creating, 498

Redo button (Standard toolbar), 30

redoing, xxxiii, 30

multiple commands, xxxiii

reference mark, 861

referential integrity, 232, 861

Rehearse Timings button (Slide Sorter toolbar), 377, 379

rehearsing slide shows, 377, 379

starting over, 379

relational database, 861

relationships, 230, 861

creating, 232

deleting, 233

deleting from tables, 295

editing, 232, 233

many-to-many, 231

one-to-many, 230

one-to-one, 231

referential integrity, 232

Relationships window,viewing, 231

subform, defining, 234

Relationships button, 231

Relationships window, 231

relative path , 861

relative reference, 862

relatively, 862

reminders, 447, 495, 862

adding, 448

removing, lx

setting, lx, 496, 524

turning off, 526

Remote Web Site Properties button, 560

Remote Web Site view, 559, 862

switching to, 560

Remote Web Site View button, 560

Remove Filter button, xlv,246, 290

removing, 585 See also deleting

formatting, 57

members from document workspaces, 800

tab stops, 62


expressions, 261

fields, 194

folders, 473

queries, in Query Wizard, 263

Search Folders, 460

repairing documents, 16

repeating sections, insertingin forms, 781

Replace dialog box, 349

moving out of the way, 349

Replace Font dialog box, 350

replacing. See also finding, finding and replacing

comments, 583

formatting, 60

page banner text, 589

placeholder text, 583

text (see finding and replacing text)

replica, 862

replicating, 862

replies, sending to different address, 429, 430

Reply button (Standard toolbar), 400

Reply Message form, 400

toolbars , turning off, 401

Reply to All button, 401

replying to e-mail messages, 400

automatically inserting signatures when, 446

sending to all senders, 401

with Microsoft Word, 401

Report Date Range form,inability to open , 190

reports , 862

previewing, 190

switchboard, displaying, 190

viewing, 559 (see also Reports view)

Reports Switchboard window, 190

Reports view, 559, 862

icon for, 560

Site Summary report, 560

switching to, 560

Reports View button, 560

required fields, 269

resampling pictures, 639

rescheduling meetings, lx, 534

Research service, 40, 862

research tools, 722


tips, 358

toolbars, to original appearance, 554


action buttons, 375

AutoShapes, to fit text, 347

columns , 102, 202

columns, to fit, 236, 261

controls, to fit, 222

Detail section, 220

drawing canvas, 647

drawings, 647, 652

form backgrounds, 217

form sections, 220

forms, 408

labels, to fit, 215

Navigation Pane, 395, 492

pictures, lxv, 639, 64142

rows, 202203

table cells , to fit contents, lxiii

table columns, lxiii, 622

table columns, to fit contents, 622

table columns/rows, 85

tables, 8385, 88

text objects, 340, 344

text objects, to fit text, l, 347, 353

thumbnails, 644

windows , 195, 399

resources, scheduling for meetings, 526

responding to e-mail messages, 399

responding to meeting requests , 52833

automatically, lx, 533

editing response before sending, 530

proposing new time, lx, 531


columns, 203

formatting, original, 592

pictures, 640

windows, 303

restricting input, 273 See also input masks

with data types, 270

with field size , 274

with lookup lists (see lookup lists)

with validation rules (see validation rules)

retailing , online, 579

revealing formatting, 55

revealing. See displaying


changes, 215

pictures, 639

sort order, 244

revision marks, 862

RGB (Red, Green, and Blue) values, 862

rich media, 862

Rich Text, 422, 862

Rich Text Format (RTF), 857, 862

role, 862

root Web, 862


drawings, 650

pictures, 639

shapes , lxv

rotating handle, 862

row headings, 863

row selector, 863

rows, 862

adding to worksheets, xxxviii

changing alignment, xl

hiding, xxxviii

resizing, 202

resizing, to standard height, 203

selecting, 272

standard height, 203

rows, table, 610

adding, 84

deleting, lxiii, 83, 85, 630

distributing evenly, 616

drawing, 615

header (see header rows)

height, equalizing , 616

inserting, 8384, 87, 621, 772

selecting, 84, 630

sizing, 83, 85

sorting, 85

totaling , 98

rulers, 61

indent markers, 62

rules, 46570, 863

client, vs. server, 465

creating, 465

deleting, 442

editing descriptions, 468

exceptions, selecting, 468

filtering messages with, lvi

labeling appointments with, lix

moving messages with, 473

running, 469

server, vs. client, 465

Rules and Alerts dialog box, 465

Rules Wizard, 465

rules, validation, 200, 28184, 870 See also expressions

creating, 281

drawbacks of, 200

restricting input with, 281

table, adding, 283

testing, 282

rules, message, 437, 46265

with custom views, 463

with rules, lvi

turning off, 465

views for, lv

Run button, xlvi, 257, 291

run-in index, 863


queries, xlvi, 863 (see also queries)

rules, 469

slide shows, automatically, 380
