MicrosoftВ® Office ExcelВ® 2003 Step by Step (Step By Step (Microsoft))

What s New in The Microsoft Office System 2003

You ll notice some changes as soon as you start one of the programs that is part of The Microsoft Office System 2003. Many of the familiar program elements have been reorganized to give you better access to the features you use most, and many new features have been added to make it easier to access the tools you use most often.

 New in Office 2003    Some of the features that are new or improved in The Microsoft Office System 2003 won t be apparent to you until you start using the programs. To help you quickly identify features that are new or improved with this version, this book uses the icon in the margin whenever those features are discussed or shown.

While many new features of The Microsoft Office System are discussed in this book, many other new features are covered only in the Step by Step books that pertain to the individual applications.

The following table lists the new features that you might be interested in, as well as the chapters in which those features are discussed.

To learn how to

Using this feature


View and read the document as it will appear on paper without needing to print it

Reading Layout view

Chapter 1

View small images of each page in the document


Chapter 1

Display a menu of options for performing common tasks

Smart Tags

Chapter 2

Locate supporting information in local reference materials or on the Internet

Research service

Chapter 2

Track types of data, such as dates, names , and addresses, that can be used in multiple ways

Smart Tags

Chapter 9

Change your display theme

Support for Windows XP Theming

Chapter 10

Quickly update input mask options

Property Update Options

Chapter 12

Choose words that suit your presentation and your audience and research information on the Web

Thesaurus and Research task pane

Chapter 15

Deliver a presentation on a computer on which PowerPoint is not installed

Updated PowerPoint Viewer program

Chapter 16

Mark up slides during a presentation

Improved ink annotations

Chapter 16

Move smoothly from slide to slide when delivering an electronic slide show

New slide show navigation tools

Chapter 16

Make sure you include all the files you need when you transfer a presentation to a CD

Package for CD

Chapter 16

Quickly access your mail, calendar, contacts, tasks, and other Outlook items

Navigation Pane

Chapter 17

Open attachments without opening the item

Reading Pane

Chapter 17

Access Word s e-mail- related toolbar buttons from one convenient location

Word as your e-mail editor simplifications

Chapter 17

Read and respond to an e-mail message without closing other applications

Desktop Alerts

Chapter 17

Post attachments for group input

Live Attachments

Chapter 17

View your messages in any of 13pre-defined views


Chapter 18

Quickly mark messages for follow-up

Quick Flags

Chapter 18

Assign a different signature to each Outlook account

Unique signature per account

Chapter 18

View your messages in a new way

Arrange by Conversation

Chapter 18

Collect and automatically update related information in virtual folders

Search Folders

Chapter 19

Create and organize rules in an easier way


Chapter 19

View your Calendar and the Date Navigatorin a new, streamlined format

Calendar View

Chapter 20

View multiple calendars at the same time

Side-by-side calendars

Chapter 20

Easily publish entire Web sites or specificfiles to a local folder or Web server

Remote Web Site view

Chapter 22

Reduce the size of a page file when publishing it, by removing extraneous white space and unnecessary formatting

Optimize HTML

Chapter 22

Switch between page views and site views

Web Site tab

Chapter 22

Work with Web pages in Design view,Code view, Split view, and Preview view

Web page views

Chapter 22

Simultaneously view the layout and HTML code of your Web page

Split view

Chapter 22

Check your Web site against standard guidelines for accessibility

Accessibility checking

Chapter 23

See how your Web site will look in different Web browsers or at various screen resolutions

Browser and resolution reconciliation

Chapter 23

Allow multiple people to work with the same version of a document

Document workspace

Chapter 32

Centralize meeting information in one location through the Internet or an intranet

Meeting workspace

Chapter 33

Other New Features in The Microsoft Office System 2003

Microsoft OneNote

New in Office 2003, Microsoft OneNote helps you document, organize, and use information gathered during meetings, brainstorming sessions, interviews, and more. The notes you create can include text, drawings, images, and audio recordings. OneNote uses a freeform page layout, so you can place and move information wherever you want.

Microsoft InfoPath

Microsoft InfoPath, a new program in Office 2003, helps you collect and work with data by using dynamic, online forms that have a familiar Office interface. Based on the Extensible Markup Language (XML), InfoPath makes it easy to create and use robust forms to more effectively gather and share information throughout your organization.

Collaboration with The Microsoft Office System 2003

With a document workspace, you can store and edit your documents in a shared, central location, along with related tasks, documents, links, and a list of team members . When you collaborate in a meeting workspace, you can share agendas , reference information, attendee lists, and notes. You can also track action items, related documents, and more.
