MicrosoftВ® Office ExcelВ® 2003 Step by Step (Step By Step (Microsoft))
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this book and the contentsof its CD-ROM. If you do run into problems, please contact the appropriate sourcefor help and assistance.
Getting Help with This Book and Its CD-ROM
If your question or issue concerns the content of this book or its companion CD-ROM, please first search the online Microsoft Press Knowledge Base, which provides support information for known errors in or corrections to this book, at the following Web site:
If you do not find your answer at the online Knowledge Base, send your comments or questions to Microsoft Press Technical Support at:
Getting Help with The Microsoft Office System 2003
If your question is about one of the programs included in The Microsoft Office System 2003, and not about the content of this Microsoft Press book, your first recourse is that programs Help system. This system is a combination of help tools and files storedon your computer when you installed The Microsoft Office System 2003 and, if your computer is connected to the Internet, help files available from Office Online.
To find out about different items on the screen, you can display a ScreenTip . To display a ScreenTip for a toolbar button, for example, point to the button without clicking it. Its ScreenTip appears, telling you its name . In some dialog boxes, you can click a question mark icon to the left of the Close button in the title bar to display the programs Help window with information related to the dialog box.
When you have a question about using a program, you can type it in the Type a question for help box at the right end of the program windows menu bar. Then press [ENTER] to display a list of Help topics from which you can select the one that most closely relates to your question.
Another way to get help is to display the Office Assistant, which provides help as you work in the form of helpful information or a tip. If the Office Assistant is hidden when a tip is available, a light bulb appears. Clicking the light bulb displays the tip, and provides other options.
If you want to practice getting help, you can work through this exercise, which demonstrates two ways to get help. This exercise uses Microsoft Word as an example, but you can follow the same steps to get help in any of the programs that are part of The Microsoft Office System 2003.
BE SURE TO start Word before beginning this exercise.
At the right end of the menu bar, click the Type a question for help box.
Type How do I get help? , and press [ENTER].
A list of topics that relate to your question appears in the Search Results task pane.
You can click any of the help topics to get more information or instructions.
In the Search Results task pane, scroll down the results list, and click About getting help while you work .
At the right end of the Microsoft Office Word Help windows title bar, click the Maximize button, and then click Show All .
The Microsoft Office Word Help window opens, displaying information about that topic. The topic content expands to provide in-depth information about getting help while you work.
At the right end of the Microsoft Office Word Help windows title bar, click the Close button, to close the window.
On the Help menu, click Microsoft Office Word Help .
The Word Help task pane opens.
In the task pane, click Table of Contents .
The task pane now displays a list of help topics organized by category, like the table of contents in a book.
On the toolbar at the top of the task pane, click the Back button.
Notice the categories of information that are available from the Microsoft Office Online Web site. You can also reach this Web site by clicking Microsoft Office Online on the Help menu.
More Information
If your question is about a Microsoft software product and not about the content of this Microsoft Press book, please search the appropriate product support center or the Microsoft Knowledge Base at:
In the United States, Microsoft software product support issues not covered by the Microsoft Knowledge Base are addressed by Microsoft Product Support Services. The Microsoft software support options available from Microsoft Product Support Services are listed at:
Outside the United States, for support information specific to your location, please refer to the Worldwide Support menu on the Microsoft Product Support Services Web site for the site specific to your country: