Handbook of Video Databases: Design and Applications (Internet and Communications)


editing effects, 156

elementary motion unit (EMU), 128

elementary reaction unit (ERU), 128

embedded video features, 220

end-to-end flow control, 817

end-to-end security, 858

energy function, 581–582

enhanced video coding, 1091

entity-atttibute-relationship systems, 8

entity-relationship database model, 126

Erlang distribution, 48–49


concealment, 847–848

control, 845

masking, 1050

normalization, 1050

pooling, 1051

propagation, 851–852

recovery, 845

resilience, 845

resilient video coding, 846, 849, 853

sensitivity measures, 1043

estimation of camera parameters, 572

estimation of projection matrix, 332

Euclidean distance, 153, 517–518, 570, 720

Euclidean plane, 374

Euclidean vector norm, 381

evaluating relevance feedback, 530


detection, 26, 135, 554

model, 944

operators, 547

event-event relations, 129

explaining away, 53, 55

extracting semantic features, 614
