Web Security, Privacy and Commerce, 2nd Edition

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Web Security, Privacy & Commerce, 2nd Edition

 ' (backquote function)
 'fair use' provisions, copyright law
 8mm video tape
 absolute identification
 Absolute Software Corporation
 access.conf file
 access control , 2nd  , 3rd
 . . .
 Apache web servers
 authorizations databases
 directoryname parameter
 host-based restrictions
 physical tokens for
 PKI, using
 access( )
 accidents , 2nd
 ACH (Automated Clearing House) , 2nd
 online security of
 ACK packets
 ACPA (Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act)
 ActiveX controls
 CLSID (Class Identifier)
 hijacking by attackers
 Java, and
 known risks of
 security issues
 ad blockers
 address munging or mangling
 address verification
 Adleman, Leonard M.
 administrative logins
 Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA)
 aggregate information
 air ducts
 air filters
    See : detectors alarms
 algorithmic attacks on encryption
 AllowOverride command
 Amateur Action Bulletin Board System
    See : AOL America Online
 American Civil Liberties Union v. Reno
 American Registry of Internet Numbers (ARIN)
 Andreessen, Mark
 certificates and
 digital payment systems and
 anonymized information
 secure tunneling services
 anonymous web browsing
 services for
 AOL (America Online) , 2nd
 anonymous browsing and
 identity theft, and
 Apache web servers
access controls
 using databases
 CAs, creating for
FreeBSD, on
 directory structure
 httpd.conf configuration file
 verification of
 mod_ssl configuration file
 SSL, and
 APIs (Application Program Interfaces)
 extensibility of
 programming guidelines
 Apple Macintosh, security and
 application/pics-labels encoding
 application/pics-service encoding , 2nd
 architecture, room
 archiving information , 2nd
 ARIN (American Registry of Internet Numbers)
 ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency)
 asymmetric key algorithms
 AT&T Labs Research
 Atkins, Derek
 automation of
 growing problem of
 host-based restrictions, against
 legal options regarding
 packet sniffing
 recovery from
 social engineering
 software tools for
 attacks, cryptographic , 2nd
 against hardware-based cryptographic systems
 on message digests
 on symmetric encryption algorithms
 on public key algorithms
 Audiotex Connection, Inc.
 AUTH_TYPE variable
 authentication , 2nd
 message digests
 of new users
 offline systems
 online systems
 PGP, using
 RADIUS protocol
 SSH RSA keys
 two-factor authentication
 Authenticode , 2nd  , 3rd  , 4th
 ActiveX, and
 certificate qualification
 Internet Exploder, and
 MD5, use of
 publishing with
 security issues
 signed files, structure of
 Software Developer s Kit (SDK)
 Software Developer s Kit (SDK), online source
 VeriSign public key infrastructure, and
 authorization , 2nd
 environment variables for
 directive and
 AutoComplete feature, clearing
 autologout shell variable
 automated checking systems
 automatic memory management
    See : detectors automatic power cutoff
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