Core JSTL[c] Mastering the JSP Standard Tag Library
Topics in This Chapter
XML and the Java programming language ”which represent portable data and portable code, respectively ”are a powerful combination for developing portable Web applications that can freely share information. XML, which stands for e X tensible M arkup L anguage, is a meta-language that can be used to define markup languages, such as XHTML. XML lets you define a document's structure with extensible markup, meaning tags that you define; for example, see "A Simple XML File" on page 424, which uses XML to define the structure of a simple Rolodex document. XML provides the following benefits:
JSTL provides a comprehensive set of XML actions that greatly facilitate the implementation of XML-based Web applications. Those actions, which are the focus of this chapter, support parsing and transforming XML and also provide additional features such as accessing XML documents with the XPath language, filtering XML, specifying transformation parameters, and accessing external entities. All of those features are discussed in the sections that follow. |