Professional Apache Geronimo (Wrox Professional Guides)

This chapter outlined J2EE resource adapter deployment plans for JDBC resources. It began by outlining the PostgreSQL architecture to familiarize you with this popular Open Source database. Not only were the J2EE resource adapter deployment plan contents outlined, but also the default deployment plans for an embedded instance of Apache Derby and a plan for PostgreSQL were introduced as well.

Last, the use of the Sequoia clustering and high-availability tool for relational databases via JDBC was introduced. Sequoia’s architecture was briefly introduced before showing the necessary changes to the ClusteredPostgreSQLDataSource plan to make it work with Sequoia. As this chapter explained, J2EE resource adapter configuration is an important topic to understand in working with Geronimo.

Chapter 14 explores another high-demand feature of Geronimo - the ability to host Web services and expose EJBs as Web services.
