Mastering Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 SP1

acceptable use policies, 494

accepted domains

Internet mail and, 607–608

SMTP settings, 316–317

actions, transport rules

Edge Transport actions, 449

Hub Transport actions, 448–449

overview of, 446

Actions pane, EMC (Exchange Management Console), 216–218

Active Directory

configuration data stored in, 259–260

domain controllers and catalog servers, 44–45

domain model, 91

Exchange dependence on, 42–44

Exchange interaction with, 45–46

message routing and, 590–591

object pickers, 230

overview of, 41–42

prerequisites for upgrade installation, 142–143

sites, 44, 91–92

Active Directory Application Mode (ADAM)

Edge Transport using, 609

message filtering and, 28

Active Directory Services Interface. See ADSI (Active Directory Services Interface)

ActiveSync. See also EAS (Exchange ActiveSync)

configuring, 225

policies, 265–266

removing or wiping ActiveSync devices, 266

ADAM (Active Directory Application Mode)

Edge Transport using, 609

message filtering and, 28

Add-MailboxPermission cmdlet, 332

address lists, 395–418

applying global lists to mail objects, 399–400

assigning offline address books, 415–416

creating global lists, 396–399

creating offline address books, 224, 413–414

default offline address books, 409–413

defaults, 402–403

EMS for managing offline address books, 416

generating offline address book schedules, 414–415

managing, 263–265, 402–408

offline address books, 408–409

overview of, 395–396

permissions for global, 400–401

viewing available, 403

administration, 205–258

administrative groups, 233–234

administrative roles, 231–233

APIs (application programming interfaces) and, 205

confirmation dialog boxes, 226

custom MMC for recipients, 220–222

delegation of permissions, 231

EMC. See EMC (Exchange Management Console)

EMS. See EMS (Exchange Management Shell)

error notification, 228–229

Finalize Deployment, 224–225

installing administrative tools, 207–208

installing Exchange 2003 management tools, 209–210

installing Exchange 2007 management tools, 208–209

new architecture for, 205–207

object pickers, 230

overview of, 205

PowerShell. See PowerShell

progress dialog boxes, 226

schedule dialog boxes, 228

summary, 256–257

Toolbox work center, 222–223

wizards, 224–225

administrative groups

boundaries of, 92–93

built-in, 233–234

connectivity with Exchange 2000/2003 and, 600

Exchange Administrative Group, 144

Administrative Install, Outlook 2007, 560

administrative permissions, 261–262

administrative roles, 231–233

Exchange Organization Administrator, 233

Exchange Recipient Administrator, 232

Exchange Server Administrator, 232

Exchange View-Only Administrator, 233

overview of, 231–232

Administrator accounts

security and, 674

setting user limits, 293

ADSI (Active Directory Services Interface)

edit utility, 42

scripting options, 15, 205

alias names, 85–86

AMD process, upgrade prerequisites, 140–141

antivirus software

attachments that may be dangerous, 693

benefits of managed providers, 698–699

choosing, 691–692

performance demands of, 166

APIs (application programming interfaces)

administration and, 205

improvements and changes to, 29–30

no longer emphasized, 30–31

removed, 31–32

application development managers, staffing, 73

architecture, 35–68

64-bit, 13–15, 40–41

Active Directory and, 42–44

administrative, 205–207

CAS (Client Access server) role, 49

client/server systems, 65–68

in complex Exchange organizations, 54–55

components, 55–59

databases, 59–61

deployment planning and, 51

disk space requirements, 38–39

domain controllers and catalog servers, 44–45

Edge Transport server role, 50–51

Exchange editions and, 46–47

Exchange interaction with Active Directory, 45–46

file system recommendations, 39

hardware requirements, 35–36

Hub Transport server role, 49–50

in large Exchange organizations, 54

Mailbox server role, 48–49

message routing, 61–65

operating system requirements, 39–40

optical media recommendations, 38–39

physical memory recommendations, 36–38

processor recommendations, 36

server roles, combining or splitting, 55

in simple Exchange organizations, 52–53

sites, 44

in standard Exchange organizations, 53–54

Unified Messaging server role, 50


compared with journaling, 454

mailbox content, 419


blocking, 692–696

Level-1 types, 693–696

limit settings, 306–307

portals for storing, 9

size limits, 297

types that may be dangerous, 693

attacks, firewalls and, 675


increasing size of event logs, 712–713

overview of, 711

policies, 713–715

SCW for configuring, 683–684

security and, 674

Windows auditing, 711–712

audits, organizational, 494


FBA (Forms Based Authentication), 639

Kerberos, 593

SCW for configuring outbound authentication, 683

authoritative domains, 317

Autodiscover, Outlook 2007, 575–585

Exchange resources located with, 575

internal vs. external approaches, 576–578

OABs (offline address books) and, 581–582

Outlook 2007 and, 562

Outlook Anywhere and, 579–581, 649–651

resource management features, 26

SSL and, 583–585

virtual directories, 578–579

Web services and, 582–583

Availability Service, resource management, 26
