Project Management with the IBM Rational Unified Process: Lessons From The Trenches
The Rational Unified Process incorporates iterative development as the core of the process. Why? As discussed in Chapter 2, "Overview of the Rational Unified Process," you can best solve a large problem by breaking it into smaller, more easily understood parts. As you learn more through the execution of iterations, risks are resolved early, and the subsequent iterations can be adjusted. Why not apply these ideas to the procurement process? A Proposed Progressive Acquisition Model for Small Projects
For small projects, the question is how to implement an iterative, progressive model without so much procurement-related overhead that the Return on Investment (ROI) becomes poor. A two-phase acquisition process solves this problem. The first RFP, referred to as a System Specification Contract, is issued strictly for the project's Inception and Elaboration phases. The second RFP, called the System Realization Contract, covers the project's Construction and Transition phases, as shown in Figure 3-1. Note that the RFP for the System Realization Contract can be prepared before the completion of the Elaboration phase to minimize delays in the project. Figure 3-1. Two-phase acquisition process
The key to this model is the tremendous amount of information that is learned during a project's Inception and Elaboration phases. Yet, the bulk of the cost to implement a project occurs in Construction and Transition. Splitting the project into two separate procurements has the following advantages:
Outsourcing organizations should be aware of some issues with this model:
Several examples of projects that have used this model exist. On August 29, 2003, the Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) awarded a contract for a project known as Grants Online. The purpose of the NOAA Grants Online project is to provide a fast, coherent, flexible, and robust application to support the Grants evaluation, award, and long-term management and operations process. Grants Online will deliver a standardized set of capabilities for viewing, retrieving, modifying, and deleting application- and award-related information, including (but not limited to) applications, awards, amendments, audits, proposal scoring and commentary, budget and finance information, and technical and panel reviewer information. This award was for the equivalent of the System Specification portion of the project. The contractor for the System Specification portion of the contract produced the following deliverables:
It is far easier to produce a proposal (with realistic schedule and budget estimates) with this accompanying information. Accordingly, RFPs with this accompanying information are more likely to receive accurate bids, and they have a better chance of concluding successfully. Organizations that are considering implementing a two-stage acquisition model (with one contract for Inception/Elaboration and another for Construction/Transition) should consult Appendix B, "Implementing a Two-Stage Procurement Process." It discusses the artifacts that should be produced by the system specification contract and included in the RFP for the System Realization Contract. A Progressive Acquisition Model for Medium to Large Projects
For larger, long-term projects, the two-phase acquisition model described in the preceding section is too simplistic. Although it's better than a single, one-shot award for an entire project, it is still insufficient. Large, long-term projects have these additional challenges:
The end result is that multiple adjustments may need to be made throughout the project. In a series of articles written for The Rational Edge e-zine, R. Max Wideman defines a progressive acquisition solution for contracting that addresses these issues. In one of these articles, he states, "a contract agreement should consist of two levels":
More specifically, in the article "Progressive Acquisition and the RUP, Part II: Contracts that Work," published in the January 2003 issue of The Rational Edge, Wideman says the following: The Head contract should include most of the required standard boilerplate: administrative and technical provisions such as hourly or unit rates, change management procedures, payment cycles, testing processes, and so on. If the acquiring organization has done its homework, this part can also include a target budget figure based on reasonably accurate conceptual-level estimates. This document spells out a broad framework for an ongoing relationship; it provides the acquirer with the necessary financial control and the supplier with a reasonable expectation on which to base its competitive pricing. The second level of the contract defines specific deliverables associated with a shorter period of time, and the actual technical work is released as a sequence of CWOs. These CWOs are prepared and awarded to the supplier for each stage of work, based on the latest information and development of the solution, and as a result of technical negotiations between the parties. The initial set of deliverables will be recorded in the first CWO. The earliest CWO or CWOs will be cost reimbursable . . . then, as successive elements of work are accomplished, the requirements should become sufficiently firm, at least for the next iteration that a firm price can be agreed upon for the next CWO.[2] [2] Ibid Figure 3-2 illustrates this process. Figure 3-2. Progressive acquisition model for medium or large projects
Derived from "Progressive Acquisition and the RUP, Part II: Contracts that Work," copyright R. Max Wideman and IBM Corporation 20022003. All rights reserved. Used with permission.
As Wideman states: Note that a first small contract might be issued to help define the first deliverypart of the Elaboration Phase for the first increment... The second CWO would cover completion of the Delivery 1 and include the technical discussion necessary for setting up Delivery 2in other words, the Inception Phase of the second increment. Depending on the confidence level of the parties regarding the extent or effort required for this second CWO, the payment arrangement could be either cost reimbursable or fixed price. By the time we get to Delivery 2 (i.e., the third CWO), both the relationship between the parties and their understanding of the work should be solid enough to let them arrive at a satisfactory fixed price for the scope of work in this CWO. Specifications should include not only the amount, but also a payment schedule and end date. The acquirer should avoid imposing unreasonable time constraints so that the work can be done properly.[3] [3] Ibid The pattern repeats until the final CWO is reached and the full functionality of the product becomes available. Figure 3-2 shows eight CWOs. Although there is no specific recommendation for the number of CWOs that are needed for a long-term project, Figure 3-2 represents a project that might take several years to accomplish. This model provides many advantages over traditional procurement models. But the outsourcing organization must be closely involved when using such a model. In particular, the following are true:
Advantages of the Progressive Acquisition Model for Larger Contracts
A progressive acquisition model solves many problems inherent in the traditional "single RFP" model. In particular, the following are true:
If these advantages sound strangely familiar, it is because many of them are very similar to those of iterative development. The underlying principle of the progressive procurement model is identical to that of iterative development: Attack risky areas first, apply lessons learned to subsequent iterations, and establish and enforce entry and exit criteria for each phase. Potential Weaknesses of the Progressive Acquisition Model
Any process for procuring large, complex systems has risks, even the progressive acquisition model. These risks can be managed, but the results can still be disastrous through lack of attention.