Sams Teach Yourself Creative Suite 2 All in One

Several features in Version Cue are defined as "advanced" featuresthose that aren't needed by every individual working on a project. These tasks are usually reserved for an administrator or someone who is in charge of the project, although that shouldn't keep you from learning about them.

As mentioned earlier, Version Cue itself doesn't have a user interface. To specify settings and perform tasks with Version Cue as an administrator, you use your web browser (such as Internet Explorer or Safari).

You can access the Advanced Administration utility from the Version Cue CS2 control panel in your system's preferences (there's an Advanced Administration button near the bottom of the window). However, it's far more convenient to launch the Advanced Administration utility directly from the Version Cue CS2 icon in the menu bar on a Mac or the systray in Windows. This launches your web browser (the Version Cue administration utility is all HTML based). When prompted to log in to the system (see Figure 11.24), log in as a system administrator by using the following information:

Figure 11.24. Logging into the Version Cue Advanced Administration utility.

Login: system

Password: system

Watch Out!

If you're working in an environment where security is a concern, you might want to change the default password of system, but make sure you remember what you've changed it to. If you forget your password, there's no way to get back in.

Next, you are presented with the administration tools for Version Cue. Here you perform several tasks, including creating projects, adding and editing users, removing old versions of files, and various more advanced tasks, such as backing up and retrieving projects and setting workspace preferences (see Figure 11.25).

Figure 11.25. The Version Cue administration options, as they appear in Apple's Safari browser.

By the Way

By default, Version Cue does not require you to add users to a project. All users who have access to a workspace can also access any new projects within that workspace (unless otherwise specified). However, if you plan to use the PDF-review features of Version Cue, setting up users is a necessary step.

Did you Know?

You might consider adding a bookmark in your web browser for the Administration utility. Making changes in Version Cue will then be as easy as going to your favorite website.

Adding and Editing Users

You can specify which users have access to your projects and what rights they have to the files within those projects (see Figure 11.26). Click on the Users tab to specify new users or delete existing users. When you create a new user, you also can specify access privileges for that user.

Figure 11.26. Adding a new user and specifying access privileges.

Adding and Editing Projects

You learned earlier in the chapter how to create Version Cue projects from within an application, but they also can be created here. Above that, you can manage existing projects by duplicating them, backing them up, exporting them, or deleting them. You can access all of these features by clicking on the Projects tab (see Figure 11.27).

Figure 11.27. Editing a Version Cue project.
