IBM Rational ClearCase, Ant, and CruiseControl: The Java Developers Guide to Accelerating and Automating the Build Process
So far, all the examples have made use of Base ClearCase labels. If you are using UCM, the examples are still relevant for any fully labeled UCM baselines you have created. This is possible because fully labeled UCM baselines are also exposed as Base ClearCase labels. However, you can use a number of additional capabilities to report on UCM baselines that display information not only about element versions but also about the UCM activities that have been worked on. Using the ClearCase Command Line
A number of additional cleartool commands that are available solely for UCM can help you with your reporting. For example, to display information about a specific baseline, you can use the cleartool lsbl command: >cleartool lsbl -l RATLBANK_01_INT@\RationalProjects baseline "RATLBANK_01_INT" 11-Jan-06.20:56:58 by alex stream: RatlBank_Int@\RationalProjects owner: alex group: ccase_users component: RationalBank@\RationalProjects label status: Fully Labeled change sets: RBPRO00000030@\RationalProjects RBPRO00000031@\RationalProjects RBPRO00000032@\RationalProjects RBPRO00000038@\RationalProjects promotion level: INITIAL depends on:
In this example, a wealth of information is displayed about the particular baseline, including when it was created, by whom, and what type of baseline it is: fully labeled or incremental. Of more interest is the section on change sets. This is the collection of UCM activities that have contributed to this baseline's content; in this case, they refer to ClearQuest records. To find out more about the exact set of element versions in each of these activities, you can use the cleartool lsactivity command: >cleartool lsactivity -l RBPRO00000038@\RationalProjects activity "RBPRO00000038" 02-Jan-06.17:01:39 by alex "Created automatically as a result of 'Work On' action in ClearQuest" owner: alex group: ccase_users stream: RatlBank_Int@\RationalProjects title: Implement transfer result page change set versions: C:\Views\RatlBank_bld\RatlBank\WebContent\WEB-INF\faces-config.xml@@\main\RatlBank_Int\6 C:\Views\RatlBank_bld\RatlBank\JavaSource\pagecode\\main\RatlBank_Int\2 C:\Views\RatlBank_bld\RatlBank\WebContent\transferResult.jsp@@\main\RatlBank_Int\3
Note that to retrieve change set versions, the command needs to have been executed from within a view. As you can see, this gives you all the information you need about any activity, including the element versions captured by its change set. Unfortunately, though, to find out this information, two commands were required. What is needed is a way to script this process so that for each activity within a baseline, the change set versions can be found. Again, Perl can be used to automate this process. Using Perl
In Listing 8.1, a batch file was created to work out the difference between two Base ClearCase labels. UCM uses the cleartool diffbl command to achieve this. Here's an example: [View full width] >cleartool diffbl -act -ver RATLBANK_01_INT@\RationalProjects RATLBANK_02_INT@\
In this example the baselines RATLBANK_01_INT and RATLBANK_02_INT are compared, and the list of activities (via the -act option) and activity versions (via the -ver option) are displayed. If you want to compare a baseline with its immediate predecessor (which can be useful for reporting on regular builds), you can specify just a single baseline and the -pred option. Listing 8.3 shows how you can report on what has changed between two baselines using Perl. Listing 8.3. Perl File
In this example, information about the UCM baselines is displayed first. To work out the activities and versions, the baseline passed to the script is compared to its immediate predecessor using the cleartool diffbl -pred command. For each activity, its change set, in terms of element versions, is retrieved using the cleartool lsactivity -fmt command. If you executed this script, you would see output similar to the following: >ratlperl RATLBANK_01_INT@\RationalProjects CLEARCASE BASELINE REPORT Baseline: RATLBANK_01_INT created: 11-Jan-06 by: alex status: locked level: INITIAL ACTIVITIES CHANGED BETWEEN RATLBANK_01_INT AND ITS PREDECESSOR: RBPRO00000033 - Java Server Faces Refactoring (EnhancementRequest) C:\Views\RatlBank_bld\RatlBank\WebContent\WEB-INF\faces-config.xml@@\main\RatlBank_Int\6 ... RBPRO00000038 - Implement transfer result page (Defect) C:\Views\RatlBank_V1_bld\RationalBank\WebContent\transferResult.jsp@@\main\RatlBank_Int\2 ...
Notice how the display of information is more readable and that additional information is displayed about the baseline (such as its status and promotion level) and the activities (such as their type).