When you set a param element, it always affects the movie specified by the src or data elements. Sometimes, however, you may want to control the attributes for a movie specified with the HRef parameter that we saw on the previous page, or with the qtnext parameter that we'll see on the next page. You do this with a rather convoluted system called URL extensions. To add attributes to secondary movies: 1. | Insert < (the code for the less than sign) before the URL for the secondary movie. | 2. | Add > (the code for the greater than sign) after the URL for the secondary movie. | 3. | Then, after the > code, type T<place>, where place specifies where the movie should be targeted. | 4. | After the target, type E<name=value, where name is the name of the parameter and value is the desired value for the secondary movie. | 5. | Separate each additional parameter pair with a space. | 6. | Type > to complete the set of parameter pairs. Figure 18.28. It's pretty ugly. Just remember to surround the URL with escaped less than and greater than signs, followed by the letter T and the target name surrounded by those escapes, and then finally the letter E and the parameters also duly enclosed. Figure 18.29. Now the main movie will loop after it finishes playing. | Tip |