Special Edition Using ASP.Net


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I haven't been this excited for quite some time. The Microsoft .NET technology is poised to make a profound impact on software development. I can't say enough about the value of this new platform on which it's easy to write enterprise applications.

ASP.NET is a big part of the overall .NET picture. It's a continuation of classic ASP, but much more. An ASP developer will see a lot of similarities to classic ASP, but the ASP.NET technology is much more. It was written from the ground up to solve all the shortcomings of classic ASP and add more than most ASP developers could even imagine. The leap that Microsoft has taken in going from classic ASP to ASP.NET is kind of like the one Adam experienced in the movie Blast From the Past ”he came up after being in a bomb shelter for 35 years , and then came face to face with modern society. The difference between classic ASP and ASP.NET is at least that dramatic.

