Starting a Name Server
1.19.1 Problem
You want to start a name server.
1.19.2 Solution
Run the program named or, if you're using BIND 8, use ndc:
# named
# ndc start
1.19.3 Discussion
If root's path doesn't include the directory in which the named executable is installed (often /usr/sbin), you'll have to specify the full path:
# /usr/sbin/named
The pathname of the file ndc executes to start named is compiled-in. If it's not correct, you can edit the file Makefile.set and set the variable DESTSBIN to the directory in which named actually lives. Then recompile ndc with:
# cd bind-distribution-directory/src/bin/ndc # make clean # make ndc
The Makefile.set file you should modify is in the directory src/port/, where indicates the operating system you run (e.g., freebsd ).
If you need to start named with command-line arguments, you can specify them on the command-line:
# named -c /tmp/named.conf
Or, if you use ndc, you can specify them after the argument start:
# ndc start -c /tmp/named.conf
1.19.4 See Also
Section 3.2 for setting up and using ndc.