Networking For Dummies

Cable is the plumbing of your network. In fact, working with network cable is a lot like working with pipe: You have to use the right pipe (cable), the right valves and connectors (switches and routers), and the right fixtures (network interface cards).


Network cables have one more advantage over pipes: You don't get wet when they leak.

This chapter tells you far more about network cables than you probably need to know. I introduce you to Ethernet, the most common system of network cabling for small networks. Then you find out how to work with the cables used to wire an Ethernet network. You also find out how to install a network interface card, which enables you to connect the cables to your computer.

What Is Ethernet?

Ethernet is a standardized way of connecting computers to create a network.


Worthless filler about network topology

A networking book wouldn't be complete without the usual textbook description of the three basic network topologies. One type of network topology is a bus, in which network nodes (that is, computers) are strung together in a line, like this:

A bus is the simplest type of topology, but it has some drawbacks. If the cable breaks somewhere in the middle, the whole network breaks.

A second type of topology is the ring:

A ring is very much like a bus except with no end to the line: The last node on the line is connected to the first node, forming an endless loop.

A third type of topology is a star:

In a star network, all the nodes are connected to a central hub. In effect, each node has an independent connection to the network, so a break in one cable doesn't affect the others.

Ethernet networks are based on a bus design. However, fancy cabling tricks make an Ethernet network appear to be wired like a star when twisted-pair cable is used.

You can think of Ethernet as a kind of municipal building code for networks: It specifies what kind of cables to use, how to connect the cables, how long the cables can be, how computers transmit data to one another by using the cables, and more.


Although Ethernet is now the overwhelming choice for networking, that wasn't always the case. In ye olde days, Ethernet had two significant competitors:

  • Token Ring: This IBM standard for networking is still in some organizations (especially where IBM mainframe or midrange systems are in use).

    ARCnet: This standard is still commonly used for industrial network applications, such as building automation and factory robot control.

But the vast majority of business networks use Ethernet. You can purchase inexpensive Ethernet components and cables at almost any store that sells electronics. It's really the only choice for new networks-small or large.

Here are a few tidbits you're likely to run into at parties where the conversation is about Ethernet standards:
