Programming Python
Index[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z] scales command option labels linking variables scheduled callbacks Scheme, Python compared to scripting Internet 2nd overview scripting languages scripts CGI client-side files, transferring over Internet newsgroups PyMailGUI web sites, accessing executable Unix execution, context format, persistence Jython, compared to Java page generator, forward link files Python in Java applications regression test script server-side URLs shell commands shelve-based starting programs test, persistence utility, persistence scrollbars packing programming ScrolledText class scrolling thumbnails search_all searches binary search trees directory trees graphs grep utility sys module SearchVisitor class 2nd secret module security CGI scripts and HTTP servers running examples in book passwords encrypting escaping in HTML in encrypted hyperlinks on POP page 2nd PyMailCGI web server files, displaying on browsers select module select(), servers, multiplexing sendmail program sequences objects permutations of reversing 2nd sorting 2nd comparison functions serial ports serialized byte streams SeriesDocument class (HTMLgen) server function server-side databases server.getfile(), web sites, accessing server.sendmail() servers asynchronous COM GUIDs using from clients 2nd 3rd connecting to creating Apache Mailman tools for with Python code file frontend, adding 2nd forking multiple clients, handling with zombies, killing zombies, preventing FTP closing connection opening connection to HTTP CGI scripts and multiple clients, handling with classes multiplexing POP, connecting to scripts sending files to socket calls socket programs, running locally threading web email client and finding Python on uploading client files to Zope services Set class methods set method setops() sets classes functions moving to dictionaries relational algebra, adding to SGML (Standard Graphic Markup Language) module sgmllib module 2nd shell listing commands tools variables changing fetching shell commands shell variables, faking inputs on forms with ShellGui ShellGui class shellgui module shelve interface console and GUI web-based shelve module concurrent updates and pickle module and shelves constraints file operations OODBs and persistence and storage classes object types objects, changing classes of signal handlers, zombies, preventing with signal module signal.signal(), zombies and signals Simple Mail Transfer Protocol SimpleDocument class (HTMLgen) SimpleHTTPServer module 2nd Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (SWIG) SIP slideshow program smart links SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) date formatting standard module sending mail from browser smtplib module 2nd email, sending from browser smtplib.SMTP() SOCK_STREAM variable, socket module socket module 2nd 3rd variables socket object accept() bind() close() 2nd connect() listen() recv() 2nd send() 2nd setblocking() socket() 2nd sockets 2nd 3rd 4th blocking/unblocking calls client server CGI scripts and identifiers for machines IP addresses machine names message formats multiplexing servers and port numbers programming programs running locally running remotely select() and SocketServer module SocketServer.TCPServer class sort() source code line counting PyClock PyEdit PyMailGUI PyPhoto PyView spam 2nd speed speed of development split() splitpath() splitting files binary files and command-line mode interactive mode manually closing portably usage SQL (Structured Query Language) utility scripts Stack class optimizing performance stack module methods stacks as lists optimizing standalone container classes standard dialogs Standard Graphic Markup Language (SGML) module standard library starting programs state labels top-level windows static binding static language build cycle status messages, suppressing storage object types persistent 2nd DBM pickled objects _str_ StreamApp class redirection and streams buffers Pexpect pty and CGI and pickled redirecting coding alternatives pipes and print statements reading keyboard input to files to objects to widgets user interaction and unbuffered string module vs. regular expressions string.atoi() string.find() string.join() text processing string.replace() email client string.split() text processing string.strip() string.upper() StringIO module stderrr strings converting in CGI scripts objects to, pickled objects and documentation methods raw regular expressions compiled pattern objects match objects patterns re module rule struct module binary data, parsing Structured Query Language (SQL) subclasses, protocols subset() summing columns superclasses, application hierarchies SWIG (Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator) C extension module string stack C structs C variables and constants C++ class integration wrapping C environment calls wrapping C++ classes synchronization, threads sys module 2nd exceptions platforms streams versions sys modules search path sys path sys.exit(), vs. os._exit() sys.modules attribute sys.stderr, error messages, trapping sys.stdout, error message, trapping system tools system utilities systems application domain |