Enterprise Service Bus: Theory in Practice


The ESB is a platform-neutral concept theoretically, an ESB could be implemented without any Java involved. However, a good ESB should take advantage of Java components due to the widespread use of Java-based technology across many IT departments.

Although an ESB is not implemented on top of an application server, it does integrate with one very nicely. Chapter 11 illustrates a practical-use case of an ESB enabling asynchronous, loosely coupled integration with an application server in a portal environment. An ESB can draw from many of the individual technologies within the J2EE and J2SE family of specifications, such as JMS, JCA, EJB, JSP, JAAS, SAAJ, JSSE, JSP, JAXB, JAX-RPC, and JMX. However, they don't have to be used all together, all at the same time, at every installation of every component on the bus. There are a few individual Java specifications that warrant particular attention because they have a special impact on the operation of an ESB. This chapter will discuss the following specifications and their impact on making an ESB a more effective integration environment:

Java Business Integration (JBI)

A specification being developed under the Java Community Process (JCP) that describes the way integration components, such as ESB services, can be plugged together in a vendor-neutral and portable fashion.

J2EE Connector Architecture (JCA)

A specification that defines the use of a standard set of interface contracts for creating adapters to connect into, and interact with, enterprise applications.

Java Management eXtensions (JMX)

A specification for remote management that defines the means by which an application can interface with a management infrastructure and management consoles. Management includes configuration data, commands for controlling lifecycle, and runtime alerts and event notifications for statistics gathering and health monitoring of remote applications and services.


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