Citrix CCA MetaFrame Presentation Server 3. 0 and 4. 0 Exam CramT (Exams 223 and 256)

How to Prepare for the Exam

Preparing for Citrix exam 223, as with any technical exam, requires that you dedicate time to both acquiring and studying information directly related to the 223 exam material. To successfully pass this exam, you are expected to have an intimate knowledge of the full spectrum of core features and functionality that make up the MetaFrame Presentation Server 3.0 product. For those readers with past MetaFrame experience but no formal training, you may be surprised, even initially overwhelmed, by the amount of material that must be reviewed to completely cover the scope of the 223 exam. Don't let the depth of material concern you. A practical approach to studying and reviewing this information will go a long way to preparing you for this exam.


You need to dedicate a fairly large amount of time to studying the information necessary to prepare for this exam. Therefore, if you review everything the night or even the weekend before, don't expect to be too successful in your certification test.

The following is a general list of materials that can help you in your 223 exam preparations :
