Photoshop CS4 QuickSteps


Paint Bucket Tool, 102

page breaks, specify no, 142

Page Setup Command, 152-153

Palette Options, loading brushes from, 19


Actions, 136

Channels, 124, 136

Character, formatting with, 138-142

File Browser, 35

Histogram menu, 115, 118, 119

History, 20-21, 130

Image Map, 171-172

Info, 117, 121, 122

Layers, 121, 122, 130, 135; 144, 146, 147, 148, 150

Navigator, 8

opening, 12

Paragraph, 138-139

Styles, 146

Web content, 30, 33, 176, 177, 178, 180, 181, 183

See also specific palettes

Palette well, 13

panes, resizing 34

Paragraph Palette, 141-142

pasting, from Adobe Illustrator, 38-39

Patch Tool, 133

paths, 38; 93-94

patterns, 102-103

Pattern Stamp Tool, 134

PDF, creating presentation, 163-164


camera raw images, 42-45

colorizing and grayscale, 134-135

cropping, 111-112, 201

digital, importing, 42

digital, reducing color noise in, 136

panorama, 213-215

picture package, 159-160, 202-207

repairing, 134

resizing, 27, 111-114; 153, 154

scanning, 40-41

straightening, 110-112, 201

trimming, 114

Web photo gallery, 208-212

Photoshop, starting and closing, 2-4

picture package, 159-160, 202-207

PNG (Portable Network Graphic Specifications) 8 and 24, 8, 166-168, 169-170

Polygonal Lasso Tool, 50


cursor, changing, 5

general, changing, 20

setting, 4

presets, 8, 105

printing, 152-157
