Hacking Exposed 5th Edition

After time, information is the second most powerful tool available to the malicious computer hacker. Fortunately, it can also be used by the good guys to lock things down. Of course, we've touched on only a handful of the most common applications, because time and space prevent us from covering the limitless diversity of network software that exists. However, using the basic concepts outlined here, you should at least have a start on sealing the lips of the loose-talking software on your network, including:

Finally, be sure to audit yourself. Wondering what ports are open for enumeration on your machines? There are plenty of Internet sites that will scan your systems remotely. One free one we like to use is located at http://www.linux-sec.net/Audit/nmap.test.gwif.html, which will run a simple nmap scan of a single system or a Class C- sized network (the system requesting the scan must be within this range). For a list of ports and what they are, see http://www.iana.org/assignments/port- numbers .
