MicrosoftВ® Office Project 2003 Step by Step (Step by Step (Microsoft))

You can visualize project work in many ways, but our favorite is what’s sometimes called the project triangle:

This theme has many variations, but the basic idea is that every project has some element of a time constraint, has some type of budget, and requires some amount of work to complete. (In other words, it has a defined scope.) The term constraint has a specific meaning in Project, but here we’re using the more general meaning of a limiting factor. Let’s consider these constraints one at a time.


Have you ever worked on a project that had a deadline? (Maybe we should ask whether you’ve ever worked on a project that did not have a deadline.) Limited time is the one constraint of any project with which we are all probably most familiar. If you’re working on a project right now, ask your team members what the project deadline is. They might not know the project budget or the scope of work in great detail, but chances are they all know the project deadline.

Here are some examples of time constraints:

Most of us have been trained to understand time since we were children, and we carry wristwatches, paper and electronic organizers, and other tools to help us manage time. For many projects that create a product or result in an event, time is the most important constraint to manage.


You might think of cost simply as dollars, but project cost has a broader meaning: costs include all the resources required to carry out the project. Costs include the people and equipment who do the work, the materials they use, and all the other events and issues that require money or someone’s attention in a project.

Here are some examples of cost constraints:

For virtually all projects, cost is ultimately a limiting constraint; few projects could go over budget without eventually requiring corrective action.


You should consider two aspects of scope: product scope and project scope. Every successful project produces a unique product: a tangible item or a service. You might develop some products for one customer you know by name. You might develop other products for millions of potential customers waiting to buy them (you hope). Customers usually have some expectations about the features and functions of products they consider purchasing. Product scope describes the intended quality, features, and functions of the product—often in minute detail. Documents that outline this information are sometimes called product specifications. A service or an event usually has some expected features as well. We all have expectations about what we’ll do or see at a party, a concert, or a sporting event.

Project scope, on the other hand, describes the work required to deliver a product or a service with the intended product scope. Whereas product scope focuses on the customer or the user of the product, project scope is mainly the concern of the people who will carry out the project. Project scope is usually measured in tasks and phases.

Here are some examples of scope constraints:

Product scope and project scope are closely related. The project manager who manages project scope well must also understand product scope or must know how to communicate with those who do.
