MicrosoftВ® Office Project 2003 Step by Step (Step by Step (Microsoft))
FF (finish-to-finish) tasks, 44, 124
% Work Complete, xxv, 113–14
custom, 51, 193, 317
defined, 488
Group, 489
Lag, 126
sorting by, 200
specifying graphical indicators for tasks, 319
timephased, 108–9, 494
typing first letter to navigate to, 347
accessing practice, 34
creating project file from template, 6
entering properties for, xx, 29
Global.mpt, 359–60
.mpd and .mpb, 270
MPP, 30
.mpw, 495
opening different file formats, xxxiv, 264–69
.Published, 436, 438
saving automatically, 26, 374
saving file formats from Project, xxxv, 270–73, 275
Filter button, 210
Filter Definition dialog box, xxxi, 209, 307
critical tasks, xxxvii, 335
defined, 206, 488
highlighting tasks for, 210
removing, xxxi, 210
slipping tasks, xxxvi, 305–6
tasks and resources, 206–10, 218
finish dates
checking, xxx, 192–95
critical path and, 193, 195
scheduling projects from, 193
soft, 192
Finish No Earlier Than constraint, 129
Finish No Later Than constraint, 129
finish-to-finish (FF) tasks, 44, 124
finish-to-start (FS) tasks
as default task relationship, 124
defined, 44, 123
linking items as, 45–48
Finish-to-Start Link button, 45, 47
fixed consumption rate, 488
fixed costs, xxvii, 147–48, 488
fixed duration, 140, 152, 488
fixed task types, 140–41, 144, 152
fixed units, 140, 152, 488
fixed work, 140, 152, 488
flexible constraints, 128, 129, 130, 488
floating toolbars, 375
Font dialog box, 98
fonts, 97–98
footers, 102–4
formatting, 343–56
Calendar view, 353–55, 356
changing project Web page, 249–52
fonts, 97–98
Gantt bars, xxiii, xxxvii, 86–87, 90–91, 104, 343–50
inserting gridlines between tasks, xxxvii, 349
items in Network Diagram view, 350–53
project plans, 85
removing text, 98
report headers and footers, xxiv, 102–4
text, 94–99
Formatting toolbar, 210
evaluating cost variance with, 319, 321
scheduling, 76, 140–41, 492
Formula dialog box, 318–19
free slack, 133, 134, 135, 488
FS (finish-to-start) tasks. See finish-to-start tasks
fully allocated resources, 173, 392, 488