Creating Database Web Applications with PHP and ASP (Charles River Media Internet & Web Design)

  1. Create a script, with the necessary SQL select query, to display the favorites ordered by title.

  2. Implement the deletion operation using just one script.

  3. Create a script that displays the favorite titles not using a table; for example, using the HTML unordered list tags.

  4. After adding the two additional tables, create a script, with the necessary SQL select query, to display all the favorites, with different orderings.

  5. Complete the ASP script for displaying the warnings for a given category to include the links shown in the PHP version. In each case, add a link to add a new warning.

  6. Create scripts to allow a user to add a new category of warning.

  7. Since the design allows for multiple warnings for the same favorite in the same category, modify the display so that the title and description are not repeated in the case of multiple warnings. (Hint: you will use a variable to hold the current title and current description and check these values as you are creating the HTML table.)

  8. Create a script that will display all favorites that do not have any warnings.

  9. Create a set of scripts that allows your customer to choose a category of warning and see a display of all favorites that do not have any warnings in that category.

  10. Go online and find out about the htmlspecialchars function for PHP. You also can try to find an ASP/JavaScript analogous feature.
