Microsoft .NET Server Solutions for the Enterprise
Basket Rendering Routines
In the course of converting the Retail Solution Site into the AFS Solution Site, the page basket.asp was not changed. However, making copies of basket.asp and then making a relatively small number of modifications created two other pages. These two new pages are RemoteBasket.asp and InspectBasket.asp. The page RemoteBasket.asp is used to display the contents of the remote shopping basket for OCI-based remote shopping sessions and for cXML-based remote shopping sessions when the specified operation is "create" or "edit." The page InspectBasket.asp is used to display the contents of the remote shopping basket for cXML-based remote shopping sessions when the specified operation is "Inspect." The page InspectBasket.asp is essentially a read-only version of the page RemoteBasket.asp; the basket contents can be viewed but not changed.
In order to provide a sense of the type of changes that were required to create these two new variations of the basket page, this section will examine the changes that were made to the routine htmRenderBasket, first in the course of creating the version in the page RemoteBasket.asp from the version in the page basket.asp, and then in the course of creating the version in the page InspectBasket.asp from the version in the page RemoteBasket.asp.
Note that this examination is only a brief discussion of the changes that were made in the course of creating the AFS Solution Site, but hopefully they will provide some sense of the types of code modifications that need to be made to add remote shopping functionality to any retail Web site.
Also note that a different design approach, in which a lot of conditional code is added to a single basket page, could have been taken. For the AFS Solution Site, the designers apparently determined that the duplicate code on the three separate versions of the basket page was worth savings in logic complexity that would have been required in the single basket page approach.
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