Microsoft .NET Server Solutions for the Enterprise

InspectBasket.asp from RemoteBasket.asp

When the new page InspectBasket.asp was created from a copy of the page RemoteBasket.asp, a number of additional changes where made to the routine htmRenderBasket. This section examines those changes by presenting an annotated version of the modified code in the page InspectBasket.asp.

The same conventions were used when annotating this version of the routine htmRenderBasket as were used in the previous section. Specifically:

The new version of the routine htmRenderBasket that is used in the page InspectBasket.asp is based on the version in the page RemoteBasket.asp. The various differences are all based on the need to make the new version read-only. The versions of the routine htmRenderBasket that are in the pages basket.asp and RemoteBasket.asp contain a number of different controls and links that allow the contents of the basket to be altered. The main content of the basket page is rendered in an HTML table, where all of the rows other than the first row (the header row) and the last row (the sub-total row) are used to display individual products that are in the basket. Each of these product rows contains the following ways in which the contents of the basket can be altered:

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