Microsoft .NET Server Solutions for the Enterprise

Object Support for Improvements

Commerce Server provides two objects that are directly related to Analysis reports:

Neither of these objects have a Primary Interop Assembly (PIA) equivalent in Commerce Server 2002, and therefore can only be accessed through classic COM mechanisms.

The CreateFromDWCalc method of the ListManager object can be used to create a list from an Analysis report.

Commerce Server 2002 does not provide a managed code version of either the AsyncRpt or ReportRenderer object, although it does provide PIA access to the ListManager object using the namespace Microsoft.CommerceServer.Interop.Targeting.


Internet users are increasingly aware of privacy issues. They want to know how the information that they provide to the Web site is used, and in particular, whether that information is shared with any other businesses.

When browsing a retail Web site, a shopper should be able to effortlessly find the site's privacy policy statement, and be able to understand it. It is common for every page on a site to contain a link to a page that explains the site's policy regarding privacy.

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