MicrosoftВ® Office Word 2003 Step by Step (Step by Step (Microsoft))
You can customize menu content by removing commands you don’t use and adding ones you do use. You can also create new menus for specialized tasks.
You can display toolbars docked along the edge of the document window or floating over it. You can hide and display buttons and change their order. You can also create a custom toolbar containing the buttons you use most frequently.
You can change the default settings for many Word operations, including the locations of templates and other types of documents and the default font used in documents created when you click the New Blank Document button on the Standard toolbar.
You can record the set of commands and keystrokes needed to perform a task and save it as a macro. You can then run the macro to carry out the task.
You can rerecord a macro to correct any problems, or you can edit the macro in the Visual Basic Editor. When you no longer need a macro, you can delete it.