MicrosoftВ® Office ExcelВ® 2007: Data Analysis and Business Modeling (Bpg -- Other)
Find all transactions in which Hallagan sold eye liner in the West region.
Find all transactions that rank in the top five percent with regards to units sold.
Find the top 20 revenue-generating transactions that involve foundation sales.
Find all transactions involving sales of at least 60 units during 2004 for which the per-unit price was a maximum of $3.10.
Find all foundation transactions during the first three months of 2004 for which the per-unit price was larger than the average price received for foundation during the entire time period.
Find all transactions in which Zaret or Betsy sold either lipstick or foundation.
Find all unique combinations of product and salesperson’s name.
Find all of the top 30 sales (by units) occurring in 2005 which involved lip gloss or mascara.
Find all sales by Jen between August 10 and September 15, 2005.
Find all sales of lipstick sold by Colleen where the number of units sold is higher than the average number of units in a lipstick transaction.
Find all unique combinations of name, product, and location occurring during the first three months of 2006.
Find all records in which the product cell is colored in yellow.