MicrosoftВ® Windows PowerShell(TM) Step By Step (Step By Step (Microsoft))
Cache Results property, 183t
cd command, 1–2
certificate drive
changing, 68
identifying, 67
certificate provider, 48–52, 67–68
certificates, listing of, 48–52, 52
Certificates Microsoft Management Console (MMC), 52, 52
Chase Referrals property, 183t
CMD (command) shell
advantages of PowerShell over, 1–2, 3, 5, 7, 16
environment variables, viewing, 53, 53
See also specific cmdlets
confirming execution of, 8–9
controlling execution of, 7–11
dotted notation, 29, 31
for Exchange Server, 199–200
exercises, 16–18, 40–41
finding, with Get-Command, 27–31
help on, 13
naming convention, 3
overview, 3
prototyping of, 7–8
return, as object, 21, 31, 38
suspending execution of, 9–11
syntax, 13, 13t
Tab Completion of name, 21
adding intelligence to, 92–93
looping through. See looping through code
color coding
color constants, 86t
of processes list, 86–87
of service status, 87–88
Column Names Only property, 183t
command line utilities.
See also cmdlets
exercises, 16–17
overview, 5
running multiple commands, 5–7
running single commands, 5
commandlets. See cmdlets
common WMI classes, 103
comparison operators, 89, 90t
computer accounts
creating, 155–156
user account controls, 156, 157t
-confirm argument, 8–9, 13t
connectServer method, 104–105
Console configuration file, exporting, 12
constants, 84–85, 94–96
consumers, in WMI model, 98
ConvertTo-SecureString cmdlet, 202
copying, by highlighting, 50, 50–51
core WMI classes, 103
country codes, 160, 161t
country fields, updating of, 161
CPU information, retrieving, 92–93
credentials, alternative, for ADO, 180–183, 180t
curly brackets ({}), blocking character, 87
currently running processes, listing, 74