MicrosoftВ® Windows PowerShell(TM) Step By Step (Step By Step (Microsoft))
data type aliases, 83, 84t
-debug argument, 13t
deep search option, 177
defined services, listing, 78
delete method, 169
Deref (dereference) Aliases property, 183t
desktop, shortcuts to PowerShell, adding, 11–12
dir command, 1–2, 22–23
changing, 1–2, 7
containing other items, removing, 58
directory listing
creating folders and files, 58–59
formatting with Format-List, 23
formatting with Format-Wide, 24–27
identifying properties, 57–58
producing, 1–2, 22–23
reading and writing for files, 59–60
scripts for, 73–74
working with, 56–60
DirectoryListWith Arguments.ps1 script, 73–74
disk drives
DriveType property values, 125
listing of, 43
WMI queries, 123–125
dollar sign ($), variable name indicator, 80
domain hierarchy, exploration of, 147–148, 148
domain role properties, displaying, 93
dotted notation, 29, 31
double hyphen (--), subtraction operator, 90
double plus (++), addition operator, 91
do . . . until statement, 90–92
do . . . while statement, 89–90
dynamic WMI classes, 103