MicrosoftВ® Windows PowerShell(TM) Step By Step (Step By Step (Microsoft))
Chapter 1: Overview of Windows PowerShell
- Table 1-1: Common Parameters
Chapter 4: Using PowerShell Scripts
- Table 4-1: Script Execution Policy Levels
- Table 4-2: Use of Special Variables
- Table 4-3: ReadUserInfoFromReg.ps1 Variables
- Table 4-4: Data Type Aliases
- Table 4-5: Write-Host Color Constants
- Table 4-6: Comparison Operators
- Table 4-7: WIN32_Processor Processor Values
Chapter 5: Using WMI
- Table 5-1: Variables Used in ListAllClassesInNameSpace.ps1
Chapter 6: Querying WMI
- Table 6-1: Win32_Share Properties
Chapter 7: Working with Active Directory
- Table 7-1: ADSI-Supported Providers
- Table 7-2: Common Relative Distinguished Name Attribute Types
- Table 7-3: User Account Control Values
- Table 7-4: Address Page Mappings
- Table 7-5: ISO 3166-1 Country Codes
Chapter 8: Leveraging the Power of ADO
- Table 8-1: LDAP Dialect Query Syntax
- Table 8-2: Objects Used to Search Active Directory
- Table 8-3: Authentication Properties for the Connection Object
- Table 8-4: ADO Search Properties for Command Object
- Table 8-5: SQL Dialect
Appendix A: Cmdlets Installed with Windows PowerShell
- Table A-1: Default PowerShell Cmdlets
Appendix B: Cmdlet Naming
- Table B-1: Cmdlet Naming