Oracle to DB2 UDB Conversion Guide2003
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3.2 MTK planning
MTK runs on a variety of operating system platforms including AIX, Linux, Sun Solaris, and Windows. Before installing MTK, please verify the hardware and software requirements provided in this section.
3.2.1 Operating system and version requirements
MTK will run on the following operating systems and versions:
AIX or later
Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP
Sun Solaris 5.7
3.2.2 Hardware requirements
The hardware requirements for installation of MTK on UNIX platforms are:
50 MB of disk space for installation
5 MB per project plus space to unload data
128 MB minimum memory recommended. This should be increased for large DDL files (for example, a 10 Mb PL/SQL script file would need approximately 512 Mb of memory)
The hardware requirements for installation of MTK on Windows platforms are:
50 MB of disk space for installation
5 MB per project plus space to unload data
128 MB minimum memory recommended. This should be increased for large SQL files (for example, a 10 Mb PL/SQL script file would need approximately 512 Mb of memory)
300 MHz or higher processor
3.2.3 MTK software requirements
MTK support various source databases management system. Here are the software requirements.
These are the software requirements for installation of MTK on UNIX platforms:
DB2 UDB V7.2 with FixPak 6, or DB2 UDB v8.1 with FixPak 2 installed and configured in the $PATH.
Java 1.3 installed and configured in the system $PATH and $CLASSPATH.
Depending on your data source, either:
Sybase JConnect 5_2 installed and configured in the $PATH and $CLASSPATH, OR
Oracle 8.i Client installed and configured in your environment
These are the software requirements for installation of MTK on Windows platforms:
DB2 UDB V7.2 with FixPak 6, or DB2 UDB v8.1 with FixPak 2 installed.
Depending on your data source, either:
Sybase JConnect 5_2 installed and configured in the PATH and
Oracle 8.i Client installed and configured in your environment
Note | DB2 UDB is not required to run the MTK until the deployment step. |
3.2.4 Where to install MTK
MTK can be installed in source database server, target database server, or at a client, which has connectivity to both source and target database server established. Deciding where to install MTK depends on the data to be migrated.
MTK places the extracted data ont he server of where the MTK is installed. Hence, there is a performance advantage to installing MTK where the source database resides, since it is faster to unload data locally than across a network. However, DB2 requires that LOB datafiles be on the local machine, so that MTK cannot load data into LOB columns unless MTK is running on the target database server.
For example, if the Oracle database is located on an AIX system and the DB2 UDB target will be deployed onto a Linux system, and there is no data to be migrated to LOB columns, MTK should be installed on the AIX system.
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