Oracle to DB2 UDB Conversion Guide2003

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4.9 Converting the remaining objects

To convert the remaining objects we return to the Convert tab. Since the converter needs the definitions for the converted tables, sequences, and views to correctly convert the remaining objects, we use them as context for the next part of the conversion. To specify objects as Context files, we do the following:

Once the context selections have been made, clicking the OK button returns us to the Convert tab.

On the convert tab, we can now see that the tabs_views_seqs.src file has the indication (context) beside it. This specifies that the file is now a context file and will not be reconverted.

To begin conversion, complete the required steps:

  1. Select the files in left-hand panel that will be converted. We choose the procs_pkgs_trgs.src file.

  2. Enter a prefix for the generated files (i.e., enter a name for the file that will be generated from the conversion). We accept the default.

  3. Click the Convert button to begin the conversion.

Figure 4-29 shows the Convert Tab, before conversion, with all required steps completed.

Figure 4-29: The Convert tab - context file indicated and the remaining file selected

4.9.1 Translator messages

In this section, we discuss the messages for the conversion of stored, procedures, functions, packages, and triggers. Although messages from the previous conversion file will still be available for viewing, our discussion will not include such messages. During examining the messages, if we find items which need to be convert manually, we will "mark" it as manual conversion items. These items will then be discuss further in this chapter.

Figure 4-30 shows the Refine tab after the conversion of the procs_pkgs_trigs.src file. We received messages in the following categories from our conversion:

Figure 4-30: The Refine tab after the conversion of procs_pkgs_trigs.src

Input Script Error messages

The following message occurred in the Input Script Error category:

Message 11: Reference to unknown cursor: pRow

This message occurs once, and it refers to the stored procedure Selectrow. Message Help indicates:

The translator is not aware of the definition of this object. Ensure the definition exists in the data source file. Also, ensure the schema name is specified as indicated.

When the statement is investigated, we recognize that pRow is an Oracle Reference Cursor. The conversion of Reference Cursors to the corresponding DB2 UDB functionality will have to be converted manually. We mark this in project plan for manual conversion and move on.

Translator Error messages

We have three Translator Error messages:

Translator Warning Messages

In the following are Translator Warning messages we received:

Translator Information

The Translator Information received in our conversion example are:

4.9.2 Status

Before beginning the deployment task, let us take the time to evaluate the information that was just gathered. The most important aspect at this point of the conversion is to make sure that we understand all of the messages and all of the implications of the messages from each Translator message category. This evaluation will give us a fair idea of what we can expect as our final result, such as how many objects will successfully deploy into DB2.

Given the information we have collected about the objects from our conversion, we expect that most of the objects will deploy successfully. We expect however that after the completion of deployment that the Verification Report will indicate several objects did not deploy successfully. We expect that the following objects will be in that category, and that manual intervention will be required before they can be successfully deployed:

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